I know, it's been a while. But considering I talk to most people who read this blog on a regular basis, no big deal. Things haven't been too different lately either, so not so much inspiration either. But as far as Americorps, we recently had a leadership training in which we learned about our own leadership styles, as well as others, and how to recognize and adapt these styles while working with volunteers to enable the best communication. I was in the "south" group, which means I'm primarily concerned with the relationship side of communication and leadership. This is true sometimes, but my head was spinning all afternoon from north to west to east to south, as I believe I, like most everyone else, takes on characteristics amongst all leadership qualities on a need/situational basis. The training also helped me realize that people aren't being jerks when they don't respond to emotional needs and add positive reinforcement as much as I may feel necessary, people are just different. At the same time, these no excuses for arrogance or derogatory leadership.
In other news, I was walking to the gym today and someone honked, at me I think, and though I don't know who it was, I hope they were honking because they know me. That'd be cool, I realized, like how even though Cincinnati's campus was so big, after attending school 4 years I was bound to come across people I know around campus.
In even more recent news, I went to a laundromat to do laundry, because that would save me 3 quarters and laundry is pretty low on my list of things to pay for. There's the possibility of doing it vagabond style in the sink/bathtub, but that's a little too crazy. So I did my laundry, tired and hungry and ready to go home, and I opened the lid right after it finished and realized, I didn't put detergent in. Bummer. SO it cost the same amount as home after all and took mucho time. Oh well, they got an
extra rinse. Do you feel this paragraph was a waste? Take away a valuable lesson to put detergent in the first time.
A few days ago several friends and myself gathered for a fall goodness party, which included homemade pumpkin soup, potato bread, mulled wine, and pumpkin carving. Can you guess which is mine? Hint: Even after spending practically the whole evening carving out the innards, the candle still failed to shine through. It's pretty spectacular besides that.

And lastly, welcome to the world, Jeremiah and Conner, two new beautiful babies I've been blessed to know and hear about.
You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey Him. A.W. Tozer.
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