"I wouldn't be surprised if that dog just started talking"
Seattle autumn
Doughnuts, rocks, windy sunshine
coffee galore
Let me just say, the book of the month for my Meetup group I do not attend is 3 Cups of Tea, which I'm already reading. It's a bifecta! I should attend this month. What kinds of people go to book clubs? If there is someone like Hugh Dancy's character in Jane Austen's Book Club I will be quite pleased.
Yesterday we attended the closing ceremony for the East and South King County Build-a-thon. It was long, but good, with delicious homemade Ethiopian food. A highlight was one of the new homeowners who is from Rwanda explaining that when he came to the States years ago he meant to go to Washington DC, but didn't realize he was actually flying to the state of, and he's lived in Seattle since then. It was at the South King County site and I was a little envious of the diversity they have at their site compared to ours. It is in the city compared to the suburbs of Seattle, where we are located. That brings up the question of the sustainability of the suburbs and encouraging low-income households to live there. After talking with a fellow Americorps member I've learned/realized that even with the best of intentions, in anything, there is inevitably good and bad aspects of what one is doing. This is frustrating, but humbling in that I can take comfort that my own actions can mean nothing, only the Spirit's movement and action can stir and change with lasting, eternal results. This also brings me to another realization I had this week, that physical things, matter, substance, is essentially here to stay on earth, just like we drink the water that dinosaurs peed out thousands of years ago. haa. But spiritual "enlightenment" and understanding, as in knowledge, wisdom, love, and such given from the spiritual realms is a new force brought into our terrestrial existence. The inconclusiveness of the spiritual thoughts and conversations can be frustrating, but I just found this quote I've kept that helps remind me that God is bigger than our logic and intellect:
There are deep mysteries in the mind of God that are too wonderful for us to know, too high for us to grasp. Barbara Rainey.
Today is Sunday. It was a Mighty O's kind of day! I'm still hyped on the Americano I enjoyed with my cocoloco doughnut and two friends as we sat outside in the crisp sunshiny morning. I'm sure you're curious by now what a Mighty O doughnut looks like. And it is your lucky day because here is a photo of 3, plus some coffee! I plan to become a regular. Sample doughnuts are a nice touch. So are talking dogs. Thanks for that observation, Chris.

And finally, a shoutout and photo dedicated to my Grandma. Upon a nice postcard I recieved recently in the mail in which she jokingly commented that she expected to see me in some scenes of a movie recently shot in Seattle, between that, our gingerbread extravaganza, and getting a kick out of giant pens, I realized we have a very similar sense of humor. I've meant to send you this photo, Grandma, but viewing it on my blog is easier. I found it in the Architecture Museum gift shop in Washington DC last winter. Notice the comparison with the regular sized pen I am holding!

One last thought . . . newborns are on their way this month. The anticipation is thrilling!
The wise woman builds her house...
-Proverbs 14.1a
love your ending quote! hope we can chat soon, meg.