"oh, is that a new style of makeup?"

So, today was a pretty crazy day. This was not really expected as I was assigned paint duty today, I thought it'd be a piece of cake compared to the pick-axe action of digging/moving a trench thrice yesterday. I really enjoyed that though. So anyway, today was paint duty, and it started with receiving an overload of volunteers. My fellow painting buddy and I are all-stars though and handled our mini paint orientation well, complete with a demonstration of how to cut away plastic covering windows. An hour or so later when I got to painting myself, I assigned myself the special task of painting the ceiling. Keep in mind that my role in the safety breifing in the morning is powertools and safety glasses, so I specially pointed out that one may desire to wear safety glasses painting, as paint can drip into one's eye. I said this, but found it out the hard way when, on my first stroke, a glob of paint plopped right onto my eye. The side really, so I had a quail egg-colored war paint mark after trying and failing to wipe it off. Throughout the morning I received more and more paint on my face. Thankfully and awkwardly sweetly of one of our volunteers, he cleaned off my face by rubbing it with cold water. It got the job done. This was the same volunteer who commented to me multiple times in the morning, "oh, is that a new style of makeup?" We both got a kick out of that. Side note of the awkwardness of a painted face, while talking to one of the older volunteers, I rubbed my nose with a paint covered hand, knew I got paint on it, kept in conversation, tried to get paint off. Is this better or worse than having food in your teeth while speaking?

After a long day of volunteer management, I re-realized it is difficult stuff managing people! But at the same time, cool that they are enthusiastic and are able to catch on and be proud of the work they do. Habitat is important to bridge the gap between the homeowners and community members who can help them, and see the work they do towards helping these people, rather than the help being in the form of a check.

Oh, and important note of the last 3 days . . . this just boggles my mind. We have random questions asked at lunchtime and before the Together We Build event, the question was, "If you had to give up falafels or burritos for the rest of your life, what would it be?" After contemplating this and deciding the value of the variety in burritos, falafels were still sounding like a tasty meal in real, non-hypothetical, life. And what do you know, the next day we get falafels at lunch from the volunteers! Incredible! But that's not all; the next day, which is today, we had taco/burritos for lunch. Could this really be happening? Am I the only one who thinks this coincidence is next to impossible? I still think someone may have known we were having these for lunch and therefore asked the question to begin with, but it's just hard to say.

Besides thinking of burritos and falafels, I've been trying to decide what to do with my life next year + . Justin made a good point that it's better not to have a 100% game plan because that's boring. We'll go with that, while still finding something to do.

And perhaps this is what you've been waiting for, but here it is! The preview to the next Meandering Meghan video!

p.s. My house is freezing. Maybe I can start a Habitat for Meghan Staying Warm.

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. II Thessalonians 3.3.


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