Hyena has landed
Hey there -
I am finally here! I just landed in Seattle a few hours ago and was conveniently picked up by my uncle, who I will be staying with his family for a few days before getting situated. It's SO lovely in Seattle. On our drive we could see the mountains in the distance and everything is green. It's great! Then we took the dog on a walk and I got to see the nice neighborhood and Lake Washington. The cute town area around the neighborhood is a quaint little vacation-looking scene. So I have definitely received a good first impression! And to think, I'll be here for a whole year of exploring and experiences.
I was going to write yesterday as my "Seattle-eve," but I was too busy packing. I can do it now . . . My Bible verse-of-the-day that is emailed to me was very appropriate for the occasion:
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (Phil. 4:12-13)
It will be interesting this year to see what I learn through Habitat. Other observations/things to find out:
- How important is coffee really to Seattleites
- What is the spiritual climate
- What am I doing with my life and where will I go from here
- Learning to live with new people, and all of us being in the similar financial situations - will this help us be creative and chill in spending quality time together
- What kind of people are the recipients of Habitat housing out here
I am creating a store on Etsy; that will be fun and I hope you buy things :)