New Year Prayers
God of winter sky, place a star on the horizon, for our world needs the assurance of your shining presence. Shine gently on those who grieve. Shine brightly on all who struggle for bread to eat, land to till, work to do. Shine with a strong light on all those who struggle for justice, who work for peace, who bind up the wounds... Amen.
Take me into a new year, Gracious God. Help me to continue looking for meaning, seeking peace, praying for light, dancing for joy, working for justice, and singing your praise. I go into the new year filled with expectations, a touch of worry, and a bundle of hope. I do not journey into the new year alone but with you as my guide, with a commitment to my disciplines, with a community of family, friends, and faith. Take me into the new year, Creator of beauty and wonder. Bless me with the companionship of Jesus, and gift me with the guidance and power of the Spirit. Amen.
- both from Larry James Peacock, Openings
photo by Gunnisal, flickr
Happy New Year.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 1:8.
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