This past week we had our biggest fundraising event with Habitat for Humanity, the "Growing with Habitat" Annual Breakfast. It was held at a fancy Hyatt hotel ballroom. The americorps team was working/'volunteering' at the event, but it was fun talking with some of the people, the general demographic was retired upper-middle class people and a lot of them were very happy to talk with us and be there. Good vibes. The breakfast event included a video and a few speakers, the theme being the 'ripple effect.' Hearing the stories of homeowners I know and some I do not, as well as a broader view of our organization re-enthused my pride for working with such a good organization. The general theme was that even though we were simply providing housing for these people, it allowed them many other opportunities and security they would not otherwise have. One example that sticks out is a homeowner whose daughter and son-in-law recently adopted their son from Uganda. Though it was not the direct result of Habitat of course, the security and home life this daughter was able to have was indeed a result of their Habitat housing. In another family, the father was able to not work so many hours to support his family and is now able to spend more time with his family. The fact that he recognizes this need and wants to serve his family with his presence more than just financially is encouraging as well. There are a lot of hard-working people that are simply put in difficult situations and it is a pleasure to help them.
Yesterday I went to the grocery and, in Seattle's fashion of throwing a wild card into any everyday experience, as I was walking by the checkout lanes I saw a running shoe just sitting there, then I saw a girl in socks. I realized that I have the same socks, which seems like the strangest part of the whole situation; they're distinctive overpriced socks the guy at the running store convinced me to get. Small world, hehe.
Today was filled with Pu-Erh tea (who knew there is so much to know about tea?!), then the "edible plant sale." I passed this on the way home from the teahouse and thought I'd stop by for a short moment, as that was all my self could handle after being filled with tea. . . well after realizing there was a bathroom there I took my time looking around and decided to get. . .

a strawberry plant! We'll see if pays its share of room and board, which is simply delicious tasting strawberries for me. Check out the sale:

I also accidently dropped a jar of jelly out my 2-story window yesterday and found it intact this afternoon. So lucky!

Women Build is coming up this week. I hope it is empowering to help women realize we can build just as well as the guys. It's not always strength, sometimes it takes finesse.
Also, I have recently decided I am going to Cincinnati to pursue my Master of Architecture degree. Exciting things ahead, it's nice to finally be able to plan.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8.37-39.
. . .He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Ecc. 3.11b.
Grace and peace to you.
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