riding on bikes with boys.
and bridget ;)
This past week has been pleasantly busy with our Habitat Woman Build event. The Seattle Storm, Seattle's women's basketball team, came out for an afternoon the first day, which gave us some news coverage. It was a four day long event and included a lot of free things from Lowe's and delicious lunches provided by various sources. The second day I had some awesome lady volunteers that knew a thing or two about building. Sooo nice! We were building soffits and I pretty much just had to oversee as they successfully built a few into pre-existing walls. It was nice talking with one of the volunteers about our special build, she said that when working with men, if they are experienced she usually takes a back seat to their direction and basically follows orders. When working in a setting like the Woman Build, though, she felt more liberty to use her own skill and construction knowledge. Which was totally appreciated. Friday was also successful as we were superstar sheetrockers, completing almost an entire room with a fellow americorps member and a volunteer. I hope the ladies that came felt empowered and encouraged by realizing how much they could accomplish in a view so dominated by men.

Following this week was Mother's Day. I enjoyed a nice trip to the Ballard Farmer's Market with some friends

then we went to Carkeek Park, where we enjoyed a beautiful beach, little children scurrying around, and cupcakes. Following that was a barbeque and learning a thing or two about playing the harp.
A movie rental store near me, Scarecrow Video, has a Bigfoot/Sasquatch section. Can you believe it???
Today we had a "Life After Americorps" training. It was valuable to learn about having a balanced life, a mission statement, and just generally making a conscious decision to live deliberately. This coincides with the message we had at church this past Sunday regarding Romans 12. The passage discusses the spiritual body and how we all are a different part of it. Resounding in my mind and heart is the statement that without knowing God, you'll never know who you are. Looking to God and His direction for my life, full reliance on His grace and larger (much more exciting) plan for my life, leads me to bigger and greater things than I can ask or imagine (Eph. 3.20).
After the training a few of us went on a 12 mile bike ride to and from Magnuson Park. It was the longest I've ever ridden and was a great ride & destination. I especially enjoyed Chris singing behind me as we rode. Seattle has such wonderful parks, I shall miss it when I'm gone, but am glad to enjoy it now.

He has shown you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6.8
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