New Joys means new Priorities

Today I officially filed my six month Leave of Absence from my job.

My husband is in the National Guard and has out of state training.  There is an eight week gap between the end of my maternity leave and when this begins.  We've decided to stay together as a family for this training.   I stand by my husband and my decision for me to stay with our daughter, but it's still hard.

The last time I was unemployed was the seven months following my graduate school graduation.  The sad part is that, five years later, after making monthly payments, my student loans aren't any closer to being paid off.  The joyous part is that I now have my cat, my husband, and my beautiful baby daughter (in chronological order).  Moving to Atlanta for my job is what got the ball rolling for these blessings.  I've invested so much time, effort, and emotion not only in my job, but in the firm itself, it makes it bittersweet to think about an extended leave.  Not to mention the strain on our family finances, which does not help us move towards the financial freedom we yearn for.

As I transition from a season of typical culturally-accepted maternity leave to the unknowns of an extended leave of absence, I look forward to how the Lord will use this season to bring a different kind of joy, happiness, and fulfillment to our family, and to me specifically.  I look forward to writing about it on the other side.

written August 2018; published October 2018.


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