sights of cincinnati
Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.
William Cullen Bryant
Today is not the best day to express my joy for experiencing a nice Ohio autumn, as the wind is strong with on and off mist/shower/downpours. And yet, here I am, ready to post for the first time in a while.
San Francisco is nice, but it doesn't have it all. After coming back to Ohio, I've learned certain aspects of it which I truly appreciate, and will share them with you.
1. Chalk block party in my neighborhood
I was in Sitwells, the nearby coffeeshop, the Sunday of this event. One older, outspoken waitress yells up to the front to her co-workers, "They're doing it! The first car did it!" Referring to the first car to - probably unknowingly - drive over the beautiful chalk art.

2. puppies!
I always enjoy a nice trip to Whole Foods, they have tasty food and friendly people. Saturdays they even have samples. But what a surprise to also see some PUPPIES for sale from a local animal shelter. So cute! I want one! But not really.

3. Graeter's ice cream
Graeter's is quality, delicious, a tradition, and just so happens to be a 4 minute walk from my apartment to the happy little world we call Ludlow. More outdoor seating added in the last couple years makes it nearly irresistible on a warm evening.
4. Old buildings!
I love this old church across the street from my building. When people walk past it at night, as a shortcut from the adjacent street, their shadow flares up on the bumpy facade and they couldn't make a quick escape even if they wanted. At Christmastime they'll string out the big bulbed lights and sell pine trees. It is beautiful.
5. Making delicious food!
This isn't Cincinnati specific, but I don't know, I do it. Homemade soup. Yummm.
So, no big deal to outsiders. But if you've gone to DAAP for your undergrad, that's four years, and at least one year of grad school, that's me, you understand the privilege it is to have the thesis studio - a balcony to the courtyard and Clifton Ave., locked access, green columns, strategic location, and you can watch all the freshman build their box projects in the spring. I have arrived.
7. Potlucks with friends.
8. Baking more good food
For brunches with friends.
Happy fall.
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