sights of san francisco
This past month and a half has been stuffed full of adventures, events, and memories. I realize in different ways and times how many intersecting activities, movements, and events occur in San Francisco. For example, while talking with my dad on the phone, I was distracting once by a party in the alleyway walking to my bus, and again, on the same trip to the bus, observing a brigade of a mix of police officers and protesters marching down the sidewalk.
As for my own adventures though, I have plenty to share. But I'll start with one that is always a favorite subject : ice cream. Now, if you know me, you are also aware of my fondness of this time-sensitive, sugary-milky dessert. Having a place like Handel's in my hometown sets a nice, tasty standard as well.
So, let's rewind two years ago to Seattle, Washington. I discover the wonderous ice cream available, including Molly Moon's and Pretty Kitty (which had an extra plus, as it was vegan and delicious). I was dissappointed when Pretty Kitty closed shortly after experiencing it, but was confident it'd open again. This did happen in January of that year. Leaving the gym one evening, frustrated with a recent credit card fee, my spirits were lifted at the sight, across the street, of Pretty Kitty opening once again, even though it was under a new name, Full Tilt. I got in, waited my turn, and looked forward to my tasty treat. I suddenly became aware of a sign on the register that read "cash only." I had no cash! The ice cream dude recommended I use the atm next door, and I don't really know why I didn't, maybe because I was a poor Americorps person, or because I felt guilty after leaving the gym, but either way, I declined the suggestion. Guess I was out of luck, unless.... no, no mercy. I just wanted a little scoop! I was denied.
Actually, I'll rewind to my experience at Yagoot, a wonderful frozen yogurt place in Cincinnati. I anxiously waited in line to place my order and, after I began ordering, I realized I left my wallet at home. I was with a bunch of friends, but for some reason (poor? guilt? both?), I decided it was for the best to just not get any. So there I am, sitting with friends all around, eating froyo, laughing, having a great time, and I feel I'm missing a little something. And what do you know, but one of the workers brings me a dish of yogurt! It was so nice of them. I won't forget it. Yum.
Ok, now fast forward to my 24th birthday in Cincinnati. Now, Graeter's is an undeniable favorite of any dessert-lover in Cincinnati. And I must say, through the years I've been a faithful patron. It's rumored that Oprah has it shipped to her place as well. So, the nice people at Graeter's decided to treat their customers on their birthday with a free scoop of ice cream. Yesss. So in I go, excited about my free ice cream, and what kind of reaction do I get for my enthusiasm of needing everything just so, including a sample spoon and cone on top of the dish? Attitude. That's right, attitude. "Well, it is free..." the guy says as he uneasily is suaded into giving my that cone, which he says should only be one or the other. Someone's birthday is NOT the time to be stingy, Graeter's.
I must admit, I haven't checked out that many ice cream places in San Francisco, but I can vouch for the wonderfulness of Three Twins Organic Ice Cream, the gracious birthday-giving at Humphrey Slocombe, and the undeniable goodness at Bi-Rite Creamery exemplified in their steady line out the door at almost every hour.
There's another contender in here, though, based on service. That is from Chile Pies, a pot pie and ice cream place near my living place. After waiting over a half hour for an apparently nonexistent pot pie I ordered, I was offered FREEEEE ice cream. My dream! Getting ice cream for free! Check.
All of this is well concluded with a recent trip to Smitten Ice Cream in Hayes Valley. Some friends and I casually (but excitedly) made our way to this trendy little ice cream, um, shipping container? As a friend pointed out before we arrived, "your ice cream does not exist right now," as their unique method of ice cream making is from a nitrogen spinning process. And we made it as their last customers of the night. What luck. And it was delicioussss.

This is the end of my ice cream story.
I recently attended a meeting of the 'Iraq Veterans Against the War' of two Afghanistan War veterans on a speaking tour, supported by Veterans for Peace. I am not familiar with military culture, but was glad to be informed by two former soldiers who trained, fought, thought, and, though they support the intended outcome of the war, ending terrorism, they are actively disagreeing with the means by which our government is trying to achieve this. As another attendee pointed out to me, it is a radical transformation for a former soldier to go through this process, as it is a very strong mindset opposed to another strong conviction, and they have gone from one to the other. I'm thankful that, though there are respectable people on either side of this argument, as the speakers even pointed out, there are organized groups of active, intelligent people seeking a peaceful way of bringing about change and -- peace.
You can watch a video of one of the speakers, Brock McIntosh, here.
Here are some photos of what I've been up to as well - a taste of San Francisco, a little wine country, some Yosemite, and more.
What made me think this would be an easy hike? It was the opposite of easy. It also had its rewards though....

Enjoying our last wine at a wine tour in Napa.

Wedding celebration of two friends.

Happy ladies, Painted Ladies.

View from Sutro Heights Park.

An alleyway in the Mission covered in graffiti art.

Yerba Buena Park, in the museum area of downtown. I lost my cell phone here.

Mmm, crepe. Dessert crepe. With sauces on the side to avoid sogginess.
Does this get you wondering? Check out my blog of my rammed earth project for more info!

A building being knocked down across the street from my workplace.
Done and done.

Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.
-prayer of Elijah, I Kings.18.37.
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