one year out

One year ago today I completed my year of service with Americorps. This means that I will no longer be able to say 'last year in Americorps...' to begin my sentences, as time has indeed been moving forward past such a wonderful experience of a year.
Today I began soil testing on an earth structure I'm planning (hoping!) to make at a nearby farm. Creating a project of this sort is no easy task between finding support (land + resources), permission, time, and knowledge. It feels like a roller coaster of setbacks and frustrations as well as encouragement and excitement from supportive people. More on this later hopefully.
Going to grad school is a pretty productive activity after building houses for a year, as is interning at a great architecture firm in San Francisco, but I was still glad to get outside today and start building! Here's a nice bench, notice the mountains beyond. Not bad.

So, what else have I been up to? Besides going to see Harry Potter at midnight last night, just generally enjoying the sites around the city! I was able to take a day trip down CA-1 last weekend. And yes, it's absolutely beautiful. I'm thankful to live in such close proximity to such magnificent natural beauty, and that I have the time, resources, and desire to take advantage of it.

And, I've been mildly obsessing over Jonsi lately, an icelandic music artist from the band Sigur Ros who made his own album last year. Thanks to Laurie for introducing me to his imaginative work. The colors, lighting, costuming, cinematography, and music itself in his video for "Go Do." As one of the commenters of the video said, "This song makes me want to have a suitcase and slap it!" It's refreshing and inspiring to hear an artist with positive vibes as well as a unique, imaginative sound that inspires your own creativity. Thank you, Jonsi!

Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
Let all creation rejoice before the LORD...
Psalm 96.12-13a
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