This post is dedicated to Senora Shobel. I don’t know if she made this game up, but no where in the entire internets am I able to find ample directions to Moo King. So in case you made it up, Mrs. Shobel, and even for introducing such a fantastic social activity to us young, aspiring Spanish-speakers, thank you.
I am currently in SFO airport. I’m not as bold as some, getting to their flight seven minutes bef
ore it takes off, so here I am, with over an hour to spare, waiting for a red eye to my destiny. With a layover in Cincinnati.
I’m going to New York City for the 17th Annual International Sustainable Development Conference at the Earth Institute. The institute is headed by Jeffrey Sachs, a well-known and very accomplished macro-economist, who I was first introduced to by reading his book, The End of Poverty. Somehow I got on the Earth Institute’s listserve and now they are always in my inbox for one reason or another. Hopefully inspiring information of how to sustain our human race is soon to follow. And now for Moo-King…
Moo-King. It’s almost a shame to write about because it’s such a great secret, part of which is that not everyone can know how to play. If you’re reading this now, though, you are a minority amongst your social group though, I can assure, so right now you’re ahead of the curve. The need to write about this game arises from my inability to do so verbally and concisely in a social setting. iPhones + this blog post will make moo-king more accessible to all. If the text is too small click here.
And that, my friends, is moo-king.
If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
-I Corinthians 13:3
I totally remember this from Señora Shobel's class. Awesome.