bad education?
I felt like an undercover journalist as I used my morning run as an excuse to check this out, which I noticed in a car ride earlier in the day - there were tents and tents of parents camping out in front of the German

Language School in Clifton. It was fitting and a bit ironic that the song "Bad Education" by Tilly and the Wall was playing as I came upon the property. I was already aware of the situation of parents camping out to be in line for enrolling their child in the school, they need to do this because there is a high demand for the superior level of education this school provides compared to other publicly funded ones. Nonetheless, I nonchalantly walked up to one of the parents and asked her about what was going on. The fact that it was a gorgeous day outside probably helped everyone to be in good spirits - there were campfires, children running around, it seemed like a big party. The woman explained her perspective to me; although it is unfortunate to be in the situation of a five-day camp determining her child's education, it was beneficial in that she knew the other children's parents were just as dedicated as she and her husband in getting them enrolled, and hopefully in the rest of the educational journey as well. This makes sense to me. The most difficult aspect of this is the parents who try, because they want a good education for their children, and yet arrive too late and don't make it on the list. What then? Try another school, try next year, let their child enroll in a less challenging school with less dedicated parents? If all parents were dedicated to their children's education, would this help reverse bad education systems?

I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows part 1 on thursday night with some friends at Newport on the Levy. Again, another appropriate song, "Do You Believe in Magic?" came on while standing in line. This is the crowd trailing around from the first of three floors. I enjoyed the excitement of over 3,000 harry potter fans dressing up and getting psyched about the new film.
I myself wasn't a big fan of the movie; there were more disappointments in how Hollywood adds their little entrapping devices on these young viewers and minds, like a nude-suggested scene of Harry and Hermione and torture scene of Hermione. This didn't make the funny moments didn't make it quite worth it. It was very dark.

The church across the street started putting up Christmas trees for sale after Thanksgiving. You can briefly see the lights hanging up, at night it looks so humble and lovely.

I came home to one of our chairs looking like this :)
What else? Class, school, studio, sleep. This is my life currently. I have a list of things to do once I'm on co-op (in 4 months. . .) Perhaps I should add to that list going to SASQUATCH! MUSIC FESTIVAL, as tickets go on sale TODAY!!!!
For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord. I Thess. 3.5.
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