moving still.
i live somewhere.

Since school has begun I have of course been learning about architecture and design. Because of this, I have decided to set aside, as best I can, seeking more information on nutrition, health, etc. But this past Saturday was full of lessons and inspiration I couldn't help but soak up.
I heard author and speaker Will Samson, who wrote the book Enough: Contentment in an Age of Excess. He pointed out several of our consumeristic culture's flaws:
- the mindless consumption of stuff, ideas, new ways of thinking
- commodification - post-WWII, americans had to learn to want more things
- disconnection - believing there is someplace called 'away'
The opposite of consumerism, according to Samson, is simplicity. This manifests itself mainly in these ways:
- make something - it is a natural human desire to create
- craftsmanship
- trade, exchange (instead of our federal monetary system, such as the local currency movement in Pitsboro, NC)
- grow something! 40-45% of our food is thrown 'away'. growing our own food allows us to rethink abundance/enough, and rethink second helpings :)
- eat together
While breaking from studying and exploring facebook I came across a video of Gianna Jessen (pt. 1, pt. 2) speaking in the Parliament House in Victoria, Australia in 2008. She is an abortion survivor; her mother had a saline abortion and intended on birthing a stillborn child, and instead birthed Gianna, who ended up with cerebral pulsy, but a spirit more alive than many. She is a singer and pro-life activist who, when watching the video, one cannot help but be inspired by her commanding authority to take action and stand up for what is right. Among her other wise words, these are somethings that stuck out for me:
- There are things you will only be able to learn by the weakest among us.
- It is the mercy of God that sustains you, even when you hate Him.
- God has a way of making the most miserable thing beautiful.
- Women. . . you are made to be fought for, forever.
- Men, you are made for greatness. . . What sort of man to you want to be; a man obsessed with your own glory, or a man obsessed with the glory of God?
I encourage you to watch both parts of the video. Amongst our culture that demands us to move, progressively forward, strive for perfection in the plainest of ways, Gianna makes us take a step back and wonder what we are striving for, fighting for, and what are we celebrating as being a gift of God; success, humility? And to take ownership of God's call for us to be wise with the immense responsibility that comes with our power and position as Americans; oh, to use it for His glory, to bless others and see the power in that. I understand this less than I would like.
Moving on with the day, I watched a special viewing of the new documentary, Little Town of Bethlehem, an inside film look at the Palestinian-Israeli conflict from the viewpoint of non-violent Palestinian, Israeli, Christian, Jewish residents. A little confusing to follow, but very much about the people than the politics.
Then I rediscovered the greatness of this video, an illustration of what English sounds like to foreigners.
Seattle is becoming a memory.

Oh yes, I found some wood nymphs dancing last Sunday, it was magical. That is to say, I organized them and we danced until my iPod died.
Sunday in church we completed a series about play and pleasure, enforcing the idea that God wants us to have fun and enjoy community in active recreation. This was after a humorous video from the 'experts' of play, some three year olds in Sunday School. Nehemiah 8.10 explains this well and in a new way to me, that our strength is in our joy in the Lord.
. . .Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
Neh. 8.10b
Grace and peace.
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