
So my lovely friend from the 'nati managed to come out for a few days for spring break, and it was a nice visit for me as well. We got a few touristy things in, but I was glad to have an excuse to check out some scenes I've heard of, but never been. Including Discovery Park. What a lovely place! How many cities have a beach within busing distance, let alone one where you can take a mid-afternoon nap surrounded by water on three sides? We also were able to visit St. Mark's Cathedral, which up until today I had only heard of, but it has definitely become a highlight of my exploration of Seattle. This church is old, but was never completed, so there is a large amount of exposed, aged concrete. The ceiling is an intricate wood structure. The organ in the back is one of the largest of its type, electro-pneumatic (?), with 4000 pipes. It's an incredible space to experience. And also to play the piano, which I was able to have the pleasure and honor of doing. A very kind and helpful man helping at the cathedral showed us around and let me have a go at the keys. Besides being super rusty in my playing, the sound was full, the echoes were just right that it didn't linger, but was fully there. Loved it.

In later, exciting news, there will soon be a claymation film, original to the Habitat Americorps, of which to share. Creative energy was flying all over the place when we started the film, and I intend on following through with it. Red carpet event and everything. Stay tuned!
Drop thy still dews of quietness
'Til all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress.
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Thy peace.
- j. g. whittier
Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt his name together.
Psalm 34.3.
the claymation movie will be a success. can't wait to keep working on it. discovery park was a a highlight of the past few months for me. thanks.!